Odile Henriques - Homeopata

Alopecia universalis treatment

Among the most varied situations that homeopathy has shown to be able to treat, there is one that, with great merit, should be made known – autoimmune diseases. 

An autoimmune disease is a situation in which the immune system attacks a specific tissue in the body by identifying it as a foreign body. Rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Vitiligo, Lupus, are well-known diseases that belong to autoimmune diseases.

Normally, they are incurable pathologies or very difficult to control. The usual treatment focuses on relieving symptoms, leading the patient to have to take chronic medication. 

Homeopathy has made a great contribution to society in the treatment of this type of disease. Of the countless cases reported and documented in scientific journals, we have among the most described, series of cases of vitiligo (Mahesh et al., 2017, Homeopathic treatment of vitiligo: a report of fourteen cases).

Today I bring you a case that happened to me in one of the work groups to which I belong. It's a case of alopecia areata universalis. Alopecia means hair loss, and the condition alopecia areata universalis is an autoimmune condition that leads to the loss of all body hair, from hair, eyelashes, pubic hair, to hair on the arms and legs. 

Maria (not her real name), aged 52, has suffered from this condition for 11 years, a situation that arose suddenly during her pregnancy with her second child. At the time, he resorted to various conventional medicine treatments, but to no avail. Recently he decided to try homeopathy, but was a little resigned to the possible failure. But, as nothing is impossible, homeopathy managed to restore harmony in the body and direct it towards healing. At this moment, Maria is still undergoing treatment, but with great progress, something I never imagined was possible!

Here are photos showing the effect of the treatment after 7 months:
Left photo: scalp hair
Right photo: right upper eyelid eyelash

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